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Cybersecurity Fundamentals V2

Part two of our three-part Cybersecurity Foundations training pathway.




In this course, you'll...

  • Understand the Cybersecurity Industry: encompassing its application in physical, network, system, and data security contexts, across various domains

  • Learn Cryptographic Concepts: including hashing and encoding for data integrity and secure representation

  • Operate ELK as a SIEM: to develop expertise in log inspection for Windows and Linux systems, and identify malicious activity

  • Work with Cyber Threat Intelligence: to understand the utilization of actionable, timely, and relevant information for identifying, comprehending, and mitigating cybersecurity threats

  • Triage Windows & Malware: to gain a deep understanding of processes, threads, and dependencies to triage real malware samples!


Cybersecurity Fundamentals Curriculum

Check out the syllabus here: All Fundamentals Syllabus and some screenshots from labs you'll complete below:

layered obfuscation-enhance-1x

Working with layered obfuscation analysis and tools like CyberChef is important for decoding complex security threats and enhancing defensive strategies in cybersecurity.

encrypt on the CLI-enhance-1x

Understanding cryptographic functions is key to securing data, validating identities, and ensuring secure communications in cybersecurity practices.

work with certificates-enhance-1x

Being able to use digital signatures and certificates is important for verifying authenticity and ensuring secure transactions in cybersecurity.

windows logs-enhance-1x

Inspecting event logs for malicious activity is essential for early detection of security incidents and effective response in cybersecurity.

write IDS rules-enhance-1x

Writing detection rules and using tools like Yara is important for identifying threats and enhancing protective measures in cybersecurity.

learn a SIEM-enhance-1x
Using a SIEM like ELK is important for consolidating, analyzing, and responding to security data and threats in cybersecurity.
track endpoint metadata-enhance-1x
Being able to hunt down threat actor activity across logs with tools like ELK is important for uncovering hidden threats and improving security measures in cybersecurity.
research industry trends-enhance-1.5x
Working with cyber threat intelligence and industry analysis reports is important for staying informed about emerging threats and refining security strategies in cybersecurity.
identify threat actor patterns-enhance-1.5x
Gaining intelligence on threat actor target trends is important for anticipating potential security breaches and adapting defense mechanisms in cybersecurity.
best practice data models-enhance-1.5x
Leveraging intelligence models and frameworks to enrich cyber threat intelligence is important for contextualizing threats and enhancing security responses in cybersecurity.
learn TTPs-enhance-1.5x
Working with adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures is important for understanding attack patterns and improving defensive strategies in cybersecurity.
learn about attack lifecycles-enhance-1.5x
Learning how to correlate attack lifecycles with threat actor indicators of compromise is important for timely detection and mitigation of security threats in cybersecurity.
Hunt down rogue malware
Hunting down and responding to rogue malware!
Procmon events
Correlating process events to malicious activity
Sifting through network sockets for indicators of compromise

Cybersecurity Fundamentals is part of our Cybersecurity Foundations training pathway.

Because each course builds off its predecessor, we strongly recommend completing the Cybersecurity Foundations training pathway in this order:

  1. IT Fundamentals

  2. Cybersecurity Fundamentals (You are here!)

  3. Compliance Fundamentals

Check out our other courses below.

it fundamentals

