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IT Fundamentals V2
Part one of our three-part Cybersecurity Foundations training pathway.
In this course, you'll:
Administer Windows: Learn user management, troubleshoot, optimize performance, and automate tasks with PowerShell.
Learn and Leverage Linux with the CLI: Navigate and control the Linux environment, managing files, users, and permissions with command-line efficiency.
Go from Zero to Malicious Network Traffic Analysis: Understand IP basics, test connectivity, manage network shares, analyze traffic with Wireshark, and identify vulnerabilities.
IT Fundamentals Curriculum
Check out the syllabus here: All Fundamentals Syllabus and some screenshots from labs you'll complete below:
Windows Operating System
Windows History and Architecture
What is an Operating System?
Lab: Navigating Windows
Lab: Windows File System
Lab: Windows User Accounts
Lab: User Permissions
Lab: Windows Processes
Lab: Windows Services
Lab: Scheduled Tasks
Lab: Installing and Removing Software
Lab: The Registry
Lab: Introduction to CMD
Lab: Introduction to PowerShell
Knowledge Check: Windows Operating System
* Challenge: Troubleshooting PowerShell
Linux Operating System
Linux History & Architecture
Software & Shells
Lab: Navigating a Linux GUI
Lab: Interacting with Applications and Files
Lab: Everything is a File
Lab: System Monitor
Lab: Task Manager
Lab: System Logs
Lab: Operating the Terminal
Lab: The CLI (Command-Line Interface)
Lab: Command Flags & Relative vs. Absolute Paths
Lab: Command Line File Administration
Lab: File Permissions
Lab: Creating Users and File Permissions
Lab: Group Permissions
Lab: Finding & Searching
Lab: Processes and Proc Files
Lab: Services with Systemctl
Lab: Command Redirection & Data Streams
Lab: Scheduled Tasks with Crontab
Lab: Software Administration with Package Managers
Lab: Advanced Text Editing with Vim
Lab: Scripting and Variables
Lab: Building a Security Backup Tool
Knowledge Check: Linux Operating System
Challenge: Redirect the Streams!
Challenge: Improve or Build a Tool
History & OSI Model
Network Topology
Network Devices
Connections & VPNs
Internet Protocol and IPv4
CIDR and Variable Length Subnetting
NAT PAT and IPv6
TCP and UDP Protocols
Lab: Finding your IP Address and Host Info
Lab: Pinging and DNS Lookups
Lab: Curl the API & Wget the File
Lab: SSH Connections and SCP Transfers
Lab: Network Shares with SMB
Lab: Inspecting Ports
Lab: Netcat the Swiss Army Knife
Lab: Network Scanning with Nmap
Lab: Wireshark Overview and Pcaps
Lab: Wireshark ARP Analysis
Lab: The Three-Way Handshake & Client-Server Model
Lab: HTTP Requests & Headers
Lab: Following Protocols
Lab: Network Traffic Analysis - Endpoint Metadata
Lab: Network Traffic Analysis - Anomaly Detection
Knowledge Check: Networking
Challenge: There Might be Torrents!
IT Fundamentals Assessment
Assessment: IT Fundamentals
Survey: IT Fundamentals Course Feedback
IT Fundamentals is part of our Cybersecurity Foundations training pathway.
Because each course builds off its predecessor, we strongly recommend completing the Cybersecurity Foundations training pathway in this order:
IT Fundamentals (You are here!)
Cybersecurity Fundamentals
Compliance Fundamentals